Is Your Child Suffering From
Substance Abuse?
It feels like nobody understands what you are going through
You're desperately looking for solutions
You're struggling to get help for your child and yourself
Your last attempt to help your child stop flopped
You’re losing sleep and frustrated feeling like your hands are tied
Losing time and energy afraid you are enabling your child
If so, we can help you. We have been helping parents and adolescents deal with substance abuse for years and can help you and your child get on the path to healing with evidence-based strategies and resources.
What lives we touched
have to say about us
Nevriye Amanda Yesil
Nevriye holds a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of North Dakota, and for many years counseled and helped incarcerated women and people in her community who were dealing with drug addiction. 

Now she teaches mothers in workshops as well as offers courses both online and in-person around the world.
In addition, she teaches high performance skills and covers topics like stress, anxiety, trauma, and anger. Nevriye has written two books, Knack dein Gehirn fur deinen Erfolg and Drogen haben kurze Beine, both published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxemburg. A third book on substance use will be coming out in America in 2023.