uplift your life
Hack your brain for your success!
This guide explains in an understandable and entertaining way how you can successfully achieve your goal in life. It offers support in freeing your own life from psychological barriers. He exposes life lies like: "I am not good enough" and motivates them to share their own goals Tackle determination and adapt habits to meet goals.
This guide explains in an understandable and entertaining way how you can successfully achieve your goal in life. It offers support in freeing your own life from psychological barriers. He exposes life lies such as: "I am not good enough" and motivates them to tackle their own goals with determination and to adapt habits in such a way that they meet their goals.
Based on scientific knowledge, the author shows that our brain can be shaped at any age. It encourages no longer to bury goals and dreams in order to gain more self-confidence and a more positive attitude to life. With well-founded examples and based on personal experiences, it offers help so that your own potential can be fully developed.
Target groups:
Everyone who wants to increase their own mental and physical performance and strive for a successful, healthy and happy life. Young adults, students and students will benefit particularly from this book.
The author: Nevriye Yesil was born in Hamburg in 1976 and studied psychology in Tennessee and North Dakota. She works as a lecturer at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College and teaches psychology and developmental psychology. Nevriye Yesil lives in Alabama with her husband and two children.
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